You live by your daily routine and it helps you get things done. Be extra careful, though, if you have to change any part of that routine. This is more likely to happen when you, your spouse/partner, or caregiver who helps with your children, forgets that a child is in the back seat. Disasters Happen […]

Yellow Dot Program
In the moments directly following a crash, every minute counts. Illinois Yellow Dot Program alerts first responders of important medical information. The Illinois Yellow Dot Program is a statewide initiative designed to provide vital medical information on vehicle drivers/passengers. Information contained on the medical card assists first responders in the “Golden Hour” immediately following a […]

Little Rock-Fox Installs GearGrid
During the maintenance night on May 24th, Station One members installed the new gear racks. Concerns have been raised regarding the safety of members when apparatus was either backing in or pulling out of the station. Research was conducted and new racks were purchased from GearGrid. The new racks address a number of safety issues […]

Call JULIE before you dig! Dial 8-1-1.
During National Safe Digging Month in April, JULIE is working with damage prevention and safety partners to launch a statewide public safety and education campaign to increase awareness about the importance of contacting JULIE, Inc. before any outdoor projects this spring. The goal of this “Call 8-1-1” initiative is to reduce the risk of striking […]